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Cabinfest 2003 Photos


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2003 - Relaxation by the river

Thanks to everyone who came this year!  It was great to see everyone, and a perfect vacation for Elaine and I before our move to Kentucky. 

 It sucks having to leave the great Pacific Northwest. . . I will miss all of you more than I can say.

I look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

Click on the images for a larger view

Neal, Tai and Chad

Neal getting the beer set up


Setting up his tent

Tent village

Kathy and Shannon

Crush and Steve

Chad, Stacey and Andrew

Shannon and Neal

Enjoying the hammocks

The dogs

Elaine, Cooper, McKenzie and Kerri

Neal and Cooper

Dustin and Chad

Grooming the horseshoe pit

Shannon, Tai, Neal and Steve

Shannon, Kerri, Chad and Brent

Fire side chat

Fire side chat

Poker players

P-Diddy Chad



Sleeping off his hangover


Sleeping off his hangover


Sleeping off his hangover


Sleeping off his hangover


Hitting the open road

2003 invitation

2003 invitation

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