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Cabinfest 2004

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New for 2004 - Saturday night talent show!

Click here for details


Cabinfest is more than a three day party. It is a gathering of friends, outdoor enthusiasts, and people sharing their ideas about life. It is also a gathering of people who (have been known to) consume a beer or two!


Meals are usually assigned, breakfast - lunch - dinner - and midnight snack. A person (or group of people) to each meal. That way the kitchen doesn’t get clogged, and you only have to cook one meal over the weekend. If you have a “specialty”, this would be a good place to bust it out.


Elaine and I buy the beer. A nice gesture is to buy a few bags of ice over the weekend, so the beer stays cold!


The cabin is on the McKenzie River, and is about a three hour drive from Portland. It sits in the Willamette National Forest, and is close to both the Three Sisters and Mt. Washington Wilderness Areas. There are tons of trails to hike and ride, mountains to climb, rivers to float, cliffs to jump off of (into water), and fish to catch, not to mention horseshoes to be thrown, beer to be drunk, and friends to hang out with.


Things to bring

Camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, etc) - the cabin has a shower, a kitchen, and that is about it. Think “car camping”.

Fly fishing gear - with a valid license.

Raft or drift boat with the appropriate gear - to float the river

Swimsuit - for floating the river, cliff jumping, or soaking in hot springs

One meal for the group - I’ll assign it as I get a better idea of how many people are going to attend.

Mountain bike, hiking boots, musical instrument, golf clubs, camera, $ for late night poker or high stakes horseshoe games, and snacks for yourself.


August 13th-15th, 2004

Call or write if you are planning on attending so I can adjust the meals accordingly.

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